8 Useful Tips to Select a Singapore Nursery School for Your Kid

8 Useful Tips to Select a Singapore Nursery School for Your Kid

You tend to be overprotective of your little munchkins especially when they are around three or four years old. Sending your child to nursery school for the first time in such a tender phase of their life is tough.

But giving your child a quality preschool education is important. It will build them for greater success in future life. The importance of having the right developmental conditions by the age of five to six will have positive implications in the future.

Naturally, your goal is to optimize this period in your child’s development and provide them with the most refreshing and safe environment of a Singapore nursery school. That’s why it’s important how you plan for this stage of your child’s life. Let’s point out some factors to consider.

1. Know Your Child

It will be helpful to spend some time thinking about your child before researching schools. In what kind of environment do they feel happy? Does your child need more discipline or more independence? Most importantly, which areas would you like to see the most development in your child?

As a parent, you may have specific opinions about how to educate your child. For example, does the education center focus on sports or academics?

If academics and sports are a priority for you, select a Singapore Nursery School that balances both the options well. So make sure the school’s philosophy, beliefs, and values ​​match yours.

2. Curriculum and Method of a Singapore nursery school

Each preschool adheres to a predetermined system of instruction. You may have some preferences as to which method is best for your child and decide accordingly.

One of the most popular and preferred methods is the Montessori Method, based on self-directed activity, hands-on learning, critical thinking, and independence.

Visit a school in person, talk to the school management, and learn more about its activities from its website. Gain a comprehensive understanding of the teaching method, curriculum, and school fees in Singapore.

3. Passionate Teachers

The student and teacher bond forms the core of school success. Therefore, you must find caring and dedicated teachers on campus who are qualified and well trained.

When parents get their child enrolled in a top Singapore nursery school, they can expect incredible outcomes from the teaching staff. They will find teachers with the relevant qualifications, guidelines on staff-child ratio, and a great teaching environment.

4. Culture and Community

The school’s culture and human environment are important factors when choosing a school for your child. Children should feel important in a nurturing environment so that they grow up to be self-confident individuals.

Active engagement between parents and the school will also enhance the child’s learning and create a sense of real community.

The school community has a huge impact on the way children learn to form relationships in the early years of learning.

5. Duration 

Small children often experience separation anxiety and throw tantrums in the initial days of joining a kindergarten. Some preschools offer two types of sessions for their students: full-day and half-day classes or half-day classes in two sessions.

Knowing the duration of classes will help you get your child used to this new routine as they enter a school for the first time.

kindergarten or nursery is not a place to leave a child for a few hours, so this decision should be a well-thought-out decision. Visit a school and learn more about what might be the best option to facilitate a smooth transition.

6. Location 

Carry out these steps

1 – Determine the ideal location for your child’s school.

2 – Choose a school with excellent transport facilities.

3 – Find a preschool that is convenient to reach whenever needed.

4 – Make sure that the place where the preschool is located has a good and clean environment.

7. Teacher-to-Child Ratio

Every preschool in Singapore follows teacher-child ratio rules. The best preschools will have a small number of students per teacher to ensure that the teacher immediately addresses each student’s needs. A teacher must always address issues in a gentle way.

8. Your Budget and School Fees in Singapore

Find out about the school fees in Singapore from the website of a top school. Depending on the level of income, families can also enjoy subsidies or scholarships provided by some schools.

Decide how much your family can pay when looking for a Singapore Nursery School. Going through the fee structure, payment schedule, and scholarship benefits lead you to a school that cares about your child’s education. It further ensures that financial hardships don’t dampen a bright academic future.


Enrolling your child in a leading Singapore Nursery School need not be a challenge now. Visit the website of a prominent school and know more about school fees in Singapore.

Let your kid be a part of a campus that allows children to build a strong foundation and develop life skills that will help them thrive in school and beyond.

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