The Main Objective of Communication

The Main Objective of Communication

Communication is the process of conveying information–and receiving that information’s meaning–from one person or group to another. It involves three stages: encoding, decoding, and feedback.

During each stage, there are many things to consider. These include the audience, the goal of your communication, the format of your message, and the logic you use to communicate.


Communication is the process of transmitting and receiving information, ideas or signals through the medium of written, spoken or visual form. It is a cyclic process with a sender, a message and a receiver.

The main objective of communication is to provide information that will help a person make informed decisions. For example, if you have the right information about your financial position at a certain time, it can save you from an unexpected loss or prevent a serious problem.

Another important objective is to ensure that the information you communicate is appropriate for the receiver. If you communicate an incorrect message, the receiver may not understand it or be able to take any action on it.

For this reason, you should always consider the recipient’s level of expertise and how he interprets your message. Incorrect messages often lead to confusion and delay in taking action.

You should also be aware of the fact that information can be moderately valuable (for example, in a stock market setting), or it could mean the difference between life and death for a predator or prey. In any case, you should value the information you receive and use it to your advantage.

In an organisation, the main objective of communication is to facilitate the flow of information and understanding among different people, departments, and networks across the organization. This facilitates managerial effectiveness and decision-making in general, and human resource management in particular.

It is also the basis for a friendly and harmonious relationship at the organizational, social, personal and all levels of an organisation. Moreover, it is the means of keeping close contact with employees to ensure that they follow the company rules, codes of conduct and other corporate policies.

Similarly, information is also essential for teaching and training. Effective communication leads to better learning outcomes and increased productivity. It also facilitates a sense of ownership and commitment by the recipients. This motivates them to continue to learn and improve their skills. It is thus a vital component of any successful organisation.


The main objective of communication is to convey information, meaning and understanding from one person to another. The process is a complex one and requires the presence of all essential elements of communication.

The first element is the message that needs to be transmitted from sender to receiver. The message may be in the form of words, ideas or facts. It may also come in the form of pictures, diagrams and symbols. The message is interpreted by the receiver as information that can be understood in his or her language.

In most cases, a message reaches its intended receiver without any problems. In some situations, however, misunderstandings are possible. The message may be misunderstood because the recipient’s emotions interfere with his or her understanding of the message.

Moreover, the receiver’s past experience, personal assessment of the messages, expectations, and mutuality of meaning with the sender influence the decoding process. It is therefore important that the messages are arranged in such a way that they can be easily interpreted and translated.

A second element in the communication process is the channel or medium of transmission of the message from sender to receiver. This medium may be face-to-face talk, telephone, written report, computer, radio, etc. It is important that the channel of communication be appropriate for the type of message and the nature of the information.

It is also important that the receiver offers feedback or response to the sender after receiving the message. This is a signal of the receiver’s understanding and appreciation of the message and he can verify that he has received it correctly.

The feedback or response is the final link in the chain of communication. It takes the form of a smile, a sigh, a written message or some other action. It is a proof of the receiver’s interest in the sender and it helps to carry on with the communication process.


A suggestion is an idea that can be accepted or rejected. If you’re at a restaurant, for example, a waiter might make a suggestion of a soup you might want to order. You could also ask a friend for suggestions of good neighborhoods to live in.

The main objective of communication is to convey information from one person to another, but the process can be difficult and frustrating if there are any barriers in between. These might include physical barriers such as distance or technical barriers such as network issues.

For instance, if you’re communicating with someone through an Internet site, there are many different ways that they can interpret your message. In some cases, they may have a strong negative reaction to the idea that you’re trying to communicate and in other instances they might have a positive reaction.

In any case, you must always be careful to eliminate any of these barriers so that your communication can go smoothly. This is especially important if you’re communicating with someone who you know will be upset by your message.

It is also important to offer feedback so that the receiver can understand what you’re saying. This is especially important when you’re communicating with someone who is in a foreign country or who has a strong negative response to the idea that you’re trying to convey.

Suggestibility is the ability to respond to stimuli that are sent out consciously or unconsciously. It is similar to imitation, which refers to a person’s reaction to a given stimulus.

There are two types of suggestibility: primary and secondary. A person’s primary suggestibility is caused by the social environment that they’re exposed to. This makes them prone to responding to any stimuli that are sent out from their friends and other members of their social group.

A person’s secondary suggestibility, on the other hand, is caused by their own habits and experiences. For example, if you’ve watched a horror movie where someone gets robbed, it’s much more likely that you’ll get nervous when you see someone with a red car.


The main objective of communication is to persuade others to do or believe something. This is usually achieved by influencing someone’s thoughts and actions, whether they are conscious of it or not.

The most effective persuasion tactics are those that focus on addressing the audience’s needs and wants in a way that resonates with them. It’s also important to understand your audience and how they think.

Research has found that persuasive messages are more likely to be listened to if they come from sources that are credible and trustworthy, and if they are more attractive to the audience. This is why companies often hire celebrities to promote products on TV or in print.

In addition, the type of media used to convey a message is also important. For example, a television advertisement for a product is likely to be more effective if it is seen by a younger audience than an ad for the same product in print.

Likewise, political debates are likely to be more persuasive if the candidates have strong public image or are well-known for their beliefs. This is why politicians and campaigns often try to persuade the public to vote for their preferred candidate.

There is also evidence that advertising and marketing campaigns can persuade people to adopt new attitudes or behaviors, such as promoting anti-smoking campaigns or encouraging donation to charitable causes. However, these methods of persuasion may not always be successful.

One way to combat this is by being more skeptical of what you read or hear, and by carefully evaluating the source. Be sure to consider the person’s motivation, as well as what they stand to gain from their advice or recommendation.

This will help you avoid making poor decisions and committing to things that are not right for you. It will also allow you to avoid being swayed by uninformed opinions.

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