Orthodontics in Noida at Floss Dental Clinic

Orthodontics in Noida at Floss Dental Clinic

Orthodontics is a specialty of dentistry that deals with correcting misalignments of teeth and jaws, while also working towards altering facial growth (dentofacial orthopedics).

Orthodontic treatments can realign your bite to make chewing and speaking easier and safer on both the jaw bone and mouth, as well as improve your smile.

Preventive care is the best way to ward off oral health issues. This approach includes maintaining a balanced diet, attending regular dental visits and practicing good oral hygiene habits.

Visit Floss Dental Clinic for orthodontics in Noida

Chewing and Speaking Optimization Therapy

Misaligning of teeth can result in uneven wear, stripping away protective enamel prematurely and creating crevices where bacteria thrive, all which increase risk for gum disease and tooth decay. Orthodontic treatment should address such problems by straightening crookedness evenly, distributing bite pressure evenly, making cleaning easier, which in turn results in healthier and longer-lived teeth. Braces or clear aligners are an effective solution that can achieve all these objectives for healthier and longer lasting teeth.

Chewing and swallowing optimization therapy, also known as myofunctional therapy, entails retraining improperly functioning tongue, lip, and facial muscles caused by mouth breathing, thumb sucking or other habits such as mouth breathing or thumb sucking. Such dysfunctions may have adverse consequences on breastfeeding, jaw development, speech production, dental health and bite as well as tempromandibular joint movement as well as nutrition, behavior change, oral hygiene practices, overall health outcomes as well as overall nutrition intake.

An overbite occurs when the upper teeth significantly overlap the lower teeth when closing one’s mouth, often as a result of genetics, overdevelopment of bone that supports teeth or oral habits (like thumb sucking during childhood). An overbite may be corrected with braces, clear aligners or orthognathic surgery as soon as it has been identified and diagnosed; otherwise it could lead to excessive wear on lower teeth that requires restorative dentistry or even tooth loss if left untreated for too long – this makes early treatment essential!

Preventive Care

Maintaining good dental hygiene is of utmost importance for everyone, but those wearing braces must prioritize dental health even more so. Orthodontic treatments focus on diagnosing and correcting misalignments to the teeth and jaws that affect facial growth (dental-facial orthopedis). Braces can help in correcting bite issues, improving speech issues and making chewing and eating much simpler – helping the entire system benefit greatly from treatment.

Poor oral health can result in gingivitis, enamel demineralisation and bad breath among other issues. Orthodontic patients in particular are especially prone to gum disease because the hard and sticky foods they eat may cause damage while also depositing harmful plaque deposits on their teeth – therefore prioritising dental care throughout orthodontic treatment should always be a top priority.

Frequent visits to a dental clinic in Noida can help you stay on top of your treatment and prevent complications from emerging. In addition, these appointments give you the chance to ask any questions about oral hygiene routine or gain tips on how to best clean teeth and gums when wearing braces.

Fluoride toothpaste should be used with a soft bristled toothbrush twice each day to effectively remove food debris, plaque and bacteria from teeth and gums. Furthermore, flossing regularly after each meal is vital and using mouthwash can also be effective at killing germs and refreshing breath.

Clear Aligners

Clear aligners offer an effective alternative to metal braces in creating healthy, beautiful smiles without metal brackets. These nearly invisible plastic shells fit over your teeth, applying gentle pressure that gradually shifts them closer together – producing healthier smiles while simultaneously decreasing food impaction risk and gum disease risks.

Clear aligners differ from traditional braces by being removable, making it easy for regular brushing and flossing of teeth. This not only improves oral hygiene but can also help avoid the accumulation of plaque that leads to tooth decay or halitosis; plus they’re much simpler than fixed braces which trap food particles and make maintaining good dental hygiene harder than with clear aligners.

Clear aligner treatment begins with an initial consultation with an orthodontist who will determine if this treatment is suited to you. After an examination and clinical assessment, your orthodontist will take records including X-rays and photos to document your mouth.

Your orthodontist will use cutting-edge digital technology to devise a custom treatment plan and visualize how your teeth will move throughout treatment. Your orthodontist will then switch you over to a set of aligners which may vary slightly from those previously worn; and continue this cycle until your teeth have been straightened to their final positions, which could take anywhere from six months to two years, depending on the complexity of your case.


When dealing with misaligning teeth, it is vital that you seek professional assistance from an orthodontist. These specialized dentists have completed three years of advanced training beyond traditional dental school to identify and correct jaw and tooth irregularities that cause misalignments – this may result in gum disease, poor nutrition and difficulty chewing.

Orthodontic treatment typically entails using braces to gradually straighten and reposition your teeth, making chewing and speaking much simpler on your mouth, jaw bones and teeth, while improving both smiles and self-esteem.

Duration of orthodontic treatment depends on several factors, including your age, the severity of the issue at hand and what treatment plan is chosen. On average, adults typically wear their braces for around two years. During this period, you should visit an orthodontist regularly.

As part of an effective treatment program, it is vital to follow your orthodontist’s advice for diet, oral hygiene and frequent dental visits in order to ensure a positive result from treatment. Doing this will allow them to catch any potential issues before they escalate further.

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