Scope Of Organisational Behaviour Does Not Include

Scope Of Organisational Behaviour Does Not Include

Scope of organisational behaviour does not include only the behaviour of individual but also that of groups, intergroup and inter-organisational processes. It is a field of study which deals with the understanding, prediction and control of human behavior in organisations.

It is a multi-disciplinary area of study that draws on theories from psychology, sociology and anthropology to understand how people interact with each other and their organizations. It seeks to improve organizational performance through better decision-making and addressing issues such as conflict management, employee turnover and employee engagement.

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The scope of organisational behaviour does not include the study of human behaviour in isolation. It is a social science that studies the effects of social, political, and economic factors on people’s work and interaction in a workplace. It combines elements from psychology, sociology and other disciplines to study human behaviour in the workplace.

A key factor of OB is that it aims to balance the need for efficiency with the values of dignity and respect, which are fundamental to human behaviour. This is because people are complex and have overlapping needs, which they want to satisfy through their job.

Individuals also have an internal desire for self-respect and dignity, which they need to achieve success in their careers. This makes it important for managers to understand the nature of people working in their organisations and treat them well.

Managers with a better understanding of the nature of their employees are more likely to get them motivated to work for their goals. They have a better chance of dealing with their problems and providing them with feedback that will help them in improving their performance.

This can be achieved by observing the different ways that employees interact with each other and their bosses in a work environment. This can also lead to a better understanding of how they feel about their jobs and why they perform the way they do.

This knowledge about human behaviour can be applied to improve employee productivity in the workplace and create a desirable work culture. It can also be used to resolve conflicts between employees and managers. In addition, it can help in the development of skill sets that are relevant to the workplace.

Scope of OB

The scope of organisational behaviour does not include a lot, but it includes certain things that help in the success of an organization. It includes the study of the human factor, which is one of the most important aspects of any organization. It studies the effect of different environmental factors on the behaviour of people.

The people of an organisation are the primary resource to be developed in order to develop a successful organisation. This is the reason why organisations take special care of the human resources and try to develop them by moulding their behaviour for the benefit of the organisation.

As far as the people of an organisation are concerned, there are various factors that influence their behaviour such as intelligence, habit, nature, attitude, etc. OB is a scientific discipline that helps in the understanding of these factors and their interaction with each other.

OB is influenced by a number of disciplines including psychology, sociology, anthropology, and political science. The field has contributed to the understanding of the role of management and also how different types of leadership can impact an organisation.

It aims at creating a high performance environment where employees are motivated and engaged. This environment is based on the social context that the organisation operates in, including its philosophy and objectives. OB should also consider how employees are integrated into the organisation and the way they feel about their work.

Another major impact of OB is that it can help in creating sustainable competitive advantage by aligning people with organisational goals. This can be done through a variety of OB practices, such as building an inspirational vision statement, inspiring leadership at all levels, and developing teams.


Organizational behaviour is a multi-disciplinary field that deals with the study of employee interactions and organizational processes. It draws upon a variety of disciplines, including sociology, anthropology, psychology and human resource management.

A key aspect of OB is its focus on individuals. This is because each employee brings a unique set of skills and personality to the workplace, as well as their own values and beliefs. These will determine their actions and reactions to other employees, their manager, and the company as a whole.

Understanding these individual elements is essential to running a successful business. It is the job of organisational behaviour experts to keep up with the latest industry trends and design work environments that foster teamwork and innovation, which ultimately benefit both the company and the employees.

OB also studies a wide range of subjects, from employee rights to a firm’s response to globalisation and technological change. These factors affect the way employees and managers interact with one another, as well as how they manage their resources in order to meet organizational goals.

It is a scientific approach, as it aims to improve the overall performance of an organization by predicting and controlling human behaviour. It uses a wide range of soft skills, such as communication and understanding, to predict employee behavior.

The study of OB was first introduced to the public in the 1940s by Herbert Simon, who proposed a number of concepts that have become important OB theories. These included bounded rationality, the idea that people make decisions differently in the context of an organisation than they do outside it.

The study of OB was credited with establishing the foundation of the human resources profession as we know it today, and it has since been used to streamline efficiency, improve productivity, and spark innovation in order to give businesses an edge over competitors. In other words, OB focuses on the human side of business, which is what makes it so crucial for the success of an organization.


Organisational behaviour is a field of study that examines the impact that individuals, groups and structure have on human behaviour in organisations. This knowledge is used to help improve the effectiveness of an organization.

There are a number of methods and techniques that can be used to measure the scope of organisational behaviour does not include. These include behavioural analysis, self-reporting and performance appraisal systems.

Behavioural analysis can be used to identify unfavourable and favourable employee behaviour. These are then measured to see their effect on productivity and performance.

Moreover, employees can be trained to change their behaviour by rewarding them for good work. This will lead to better workplaces and higher levels of productivity.

However, behavioural analysis can also be used to identify unfavourable or undesirable employee behaviour. These can be reinforced, punished or extinguished.

The goal of organizational behaviour is to balance human and technical values in the workplace, focusing on people instead of machines. This goal can result in increased productivity, reduced costs and more satisfied workers.

It is a science that incorporates many different disciplines including social psychology, sociology, and anthropology. It combines these fields to provide a comprehensive understanding of the human-organisation relationship.

A holistic approach is important to this study as it interprets the people-organisation relationships in terms of the person, the group and the organisational system. This approach can be beneficial to managers, who need a full picture of the people they are responsible for.

This approach is also helpful to therapists and psychologists, who need to understand how their clients interact with others in the workplace. They can use this knowledge to develop effective strategies to resolve interpersonal problems and build trusting relationships.


The scope of organisational behaviour does not include all aspects of human behavior. It focuses on people who are the internal social system of an organization and their behaviour towards each other and the organisation. This includes their personality, attitude, perception, career, and motivation. It also deals with the stresses and strains that occur during day to day work.

The main aim of organisational behaviour is to understand and control human behaviour for achieving organizational goals. It is an interdisciplinary discipline that brings together behavioural sciences with other disciplines like social psychology, sociology, and anthropology. This helps in integrating knowledge from different subjects and implementing it for organisational development activities.

In an organisation, people are the most important part and their behaviour plays a vital role in the success of the business. They are the ones who create and develop the organisation and its products or services. This is why they should be treated well by their managers.

A good organisation is one that treats its employees well and enables them to achieve their goals. This is possible only if managers know the behaviour of their employees and how to motivate them in order to achieve their objectives. The field of organisational behaviour provides this information to management. This helps them in hiring the right employees and matching them with the right job roles.

OB is also a normative science and its findings are used to formulate organisational goals that can be accepted by individuals and society. This is because it is based on the belief that humans should be treated in the most efficient way and that they should be given proper facilities for their wellbeing.

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